Prepositions with spatial relationships

What are prepositions with spatial relationships

Spatial prepositions are often confusing to those learning English because they are so similar to adverbs. Even experienced essay writer may confuse them. This group of prepositions refers to the movement of objects in space, they also express the location of one object in relation to another. To avoid confusion, you need to learn them and understand in what cases they are most appropriate.

Peculiarities of the use of spatial prepositions

  • Beside, next to

These prepositions are used when we want to say that an object is close to something.


  • ✔️ This man sat down next to us.
  • ✔️ The school building beside us was very beautiful.
  • Above

This preposition is often used for comparisons, as well as to indicate the position of an object.


  • ✔️ A shelf hangs above the desk.
  • ✔️ The temperature readings are above 100 degrees.
  • Across

It means the intersection of something or the location of an object at an angle.


  • ✔️ This athlete swam several times across the river.
  • ✔️ A group of people stood across the road, not allowing the car to pass.
  • Against

It has the meaning of opposing directions, location, disagreement or opposition.


  • ✔️ Swimming against the stream is challenging physically.
  • ✔️ For a long time, he struggled against the effects of radiation.
  • ✔️ I desperately defended myself against the attacker.
  • Ahead of

It denotes not only the location but also the temporal relationship.


  • ✔️ I came to visit my sister ahead of Christmas Eve.
  • ✔️ The man who walked ahead of me was in a hurry.
  • Along

Meaning " lengthwise," "in accordance with," "during something".


  • ✔️ She and I walked along the shore and enjoyed the beauty of nature.
  • ✔️ We performed the work along with the prescribed rules.
  • Among

It is used to denote location in the sense of "in the middle," "surrounded by something". Also it is usually used for more than three objects in contrast to between, which is used for two subjects.


  • ✔️ This joke was very popular among medical students.
  • ✔️ I saw a black figure among the trees.
  • Around

This preposition is used to denote place or movement round some object or location.


  • ✔️ We were driving around the city and trying to find some kind of café or store.
  • ✔️ We danced around this fountain and cheered like children.
  • Under

It is used to describe the location below an object.


  • ✔️ His body completely disappeared under the water.
  • ✔️ This facility is under the supervision of the military.
  • Behind

This preposition also indicates the position from the rear of the object.


  • ✔️ I did not notice when someone came up behind me and hit me on the head.
  • ✔️ There is a large apartment complex behind the parking lot.
  • Beneath

It is often used in a derogatory sense, meaning that some object is inferior, unworthy.


  • ✔️ Despite the fact that he is beneath in rank, it did not prevent them from getting married and living a happy life.
  • ✔️ It was beneath and vulgar, but I could never admit my mistake.

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