Starting a Sentence with "Because"

Using Because

So, today will consider one of the rules of grammar: it is possible or impossible to start a sentence with "because". Many people will say that it is impossible to start a sentence with "because” and use the "correct" grammar. Let's dive right into this rule!

"Because” is a subordinate connection. A subordinate conjunction is a word that connects two sentences, one of which is independent, and the other depends. There is a lot of jargon in this, but look at the following: there is a sentence of two parts, and "because "connects them. The two parts must be in the same sentence to use "because” to be "correct". Otherwise, one of the sentences becomes a fragment of the sentence, which is problematic.

The reason why can’t usually start a sentence with " because” is because need two parts of "because «to combine a sentence. Usually “because” is between two sentences, so if start a sentence with " because”, there is often only one sentence in the sentence. Simply put, if there is a “because " in the sentence, then the sentence must consist of two parts to be “correct”. Let's look at an example.

We decided to go to the pool because it was hot outside.

Two points that we will consider are “We decided to go to the pool” and “it was hot outside”. "Because" binds them together and makes them friends. Let's see what happens if we divide the sentence into two parts.

We decided to go to the pool. Because it was hot outside.

Now that these two sentences are in different sentences, “because” can’t connect them. These sentences cannot be friends, and now they are single, which makes the second sentence “wrong".

Can you start a sentence with because?

Wait, that's not all. There are circumstances in which it is possible to start a sentence with " because” and not break any stupid rules. If start the sentence with " because”, then insert a comma, and then the second sentence, then both sentences will be in the same sentence, and everyone will be safe. As an example:

Since it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.

Since both sentences are in the same sentence, they are not alone, and the sentence is technically "correct".

So, here it is. These are circumstances in which it is possible and impossible to start a sentence with "because". This is a stupid rule, and you should not treat it strictly.

And yet it is legal to start a sentence with a subordinate clause that begins with a subordinate conjunction, because. By the way, another way to say this is that it's ok to start a periodic sentence with "because". A periodic sentence is a sentence that begins with one or more subordinate clauses.

There is another context in which it is usually and generally acceptable to start a sentence with "because". It's like the first word of a fragment. It is possible to start a fragment with, "because" as long as it is one of the last.

Both intentional fragment styles can start with "because". Here are some examples:

We will increase the staff of our customer support service by 20%. Why? Because customer satisfaction is our № 1 goal.

He led the longest and bloodiest regime in the history of Africa. Because the rest of the world was looking the other way.

Finally, can mention another legitimate use of "because" at the beginning of the sentence. Because it can be part of a complex preposition and this sentence can begin with a sentence without objections:

Due to the decline in revenues, we are forced to initiate several measures to reduce costs.

Because you asked and because I care.

There is another case when can start a sentence with "because” and not follow this rule of two sentences: if use it in a conversation to answer a spoken or unspoken question "why".

A perfect example of this is the time-honored question of a child to parents: “Why can't I stay later?” “Because I said so”

And yet, what does the grammar say?

This is true; no law in grammar textbooks would deprive the right to start a sentence with this union.

Grammatical rules for writers

A sentence like "Because I needed money, I sold my body to science" is not only grammatically correct, but also more effective than if it were the other way around (I sold my body to science because I needed money)

So why do teachers demonstrate a non-existent norm to our students? They want to prevent future scientists from writing in fragments, and children and students tend to write incomplete sentences, for example: "because I can or because it smells bad." Instead of telling students that they can't start a sentence with «because», it would be more correct to make them finish their sentences.

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